5 THE SHEPHERD • NOVEMBER 2019 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO nuesonp.6>>> ce thatourparish’sown StefanKleinhenz participated in theDistrict tomOratoricalFestivalandbecamea nalistoutof14SeniorDivision owadvance to theMetropolis levelOratoricalFestival to takeplaceat unlap,CAon May9th,2015 . Ithasbeena tradition inourchurch to ul competition inwhich7th through12thgrade students are invited arious topics involving their faithand theOrthodoxChurch.Wewant and several of our parishionerswho o ered their time to “critique” to Stefan’s e ort: AnthonyKyriakidis,MichaelKallas,KayHarkins, Cremidan,PeterPreovolos and lastbutde nitelynot least,ourown GeorgePlatis ! atulatinsSefan! AT THE CORONADO FERRY LANDING 619.435.1225 WWW.SPIROSCAFE.COM Best Greek food in the region Draft beer varieties Imported & domestic wine Spacious indoor/outdoor seating Panoramic views of S.D. Bay Catering Available BEST GREEK FOOD SINCE 2002 On October 12th we met at UTC mall for the Amazing Race GOYA style. e kids had a great time go- ing from one corner of the mall to the other trying to solve clues and perform tasks as fast as possible. e kids were surprised to learn that Mrs. Navrides wrote all the clues herself with some of them thinking the activity was something she just found out on the internet. Some of the clues really stumped the kids but in the end they all made it to the nish line. Congratulations to our winning team - Andreanna Frangos, Alexios Savvides and George Douge- nis. ank you kids for coming. We are asking ALL GOYAns to save the evening of Saturday, November 9th for our next event. We have invit- ed Christos Pappademos , a San Di- ego State University and Holy Cross Seminary graduate, who recently started a new position as the Pasto- ral Assistant and Youth Director for the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in San Francisco, to lead a workshop for our high school teens on the topic of “Love One Another.” Christos was in Church every Sun- day at St. Spyridon when he was at SDSU, has hosted workshops at FDF and most recently came to Saint Spyridon to run the Bee the Bee Re- treat last March for the 2-5th grad- ers. We will all eat dinner together and while Christos is speaking to the High School GOYAns, Mrs. Navrides will lead an activity with the 7th and 8th graders in the Sunday School room. GOYAns that have not met Christos are in for a real treat. GOY- Ans PLEASE make every e ort to be at this event you will NOT be sorry! Parents please pick your kids up at 8 pm at Church. RSVP to Mr. and Mrs. Navrides by November 1st navrides- family@gmail.com or 619-825-6750 so we can make sure we have enough food for the evening. ank you to Mrs. Erika Couris for being our par- ent coordinator for this event. Mark your calendar for upcom- ing Youth events over the next few months… Saturday, December 14th – GOYA Christmas Party at the home of Dimitri and William Gilpin. As is our tradition, we will stu Christmas stockings for the Philoptochos who will be hosting a Christmas party for San Diego children su ering from cancer who attended Camp Agape. We are asking each GOYA family to bring at least two decks of play- ing cards or two UNO game cards to place in the stockings for each child. Philoptochos will distribute the stockings on Monday, December 16th at their dinner gathering in the Church Hall. GOYAns please bring ALL family members to our Christ- mas gathering at the Gilpin’s home and remember this is a potluck. Look for an email from George Dougenis this month for more information. Saturday, January 11, 2020 – Join us in the GOYA room at Church for game night. is is the time we will add your handprints to the GOYA room wall so if you haven’t placed your mark on the handprint wall this is the time to do so. Sunday, January 12, 2020 – Epiph- any / Cross Dive Lunch celebration. e 42nd Annual Epiphany Cross Dive and Luncheon will once again take place at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina and will be imme- diately following the Divine Liturgy at Saint Spyridon. GOYAns with the event ONLY 2 months away we are looking for 7th – 12th grade divers. If you are interested in diving for the cross please see Mr. Navrides and con rm NO later than December 20th. Remember all divers must at- tend Divine Liturgy on Sunday, Jan- uary 12th and stay for the luncheon at the Sheraton. February 22, 2020 – GOYA Bowling / Dinner in Mira Mesa (still need a parent coordinator for this event if you are interested please contact Mr. or Mrs. Navrides). 2019 marks the 40th anniversary of St. Nicholas Ranch & Retreat Center in Dunlap, California. To mark this momentous occasion a fundraising dinner took place on Saturday, Octo- ber 26th at the Ascension Cathedral in Oakland. With St. Nicholas Ranch near and dear to so many GOYAns hearts your GOYA board unani- mously approved a $500 donation G . O . Y . A . NEWS for this wonderful ministry. Campers please save July 5-11, 2020 for session one of summer camp. Bill and Stephanie Navrides, St. Spyridon GOYA Directors GOYAStSpyridon@gmail.com St. Spyridon GOYA San Diego st.spyridon_goya