6 THE SHEPHERD • NOVEMBER 2019 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Hello and I hope you and your families are doing well! I would like to thank Kathy Meck and all the musicians in our parish for sharing their mu- sical talent with us every Sunday. ank you to Irene Veca, Stella Pappas and Jenny Ca- petanakis for co-chairing the lovely Church Musicians Co ee Hour along with the Parish Council. ank you for those that have already pur- chased your tickets for our annual anks- giving Luncheon on November 10. Please make sure you send in your prepaid reser- vations to the oce or reserve online at an- thousa.org . Light the Path is November 23rd at St. Paul’s in Irvine and if you have not attended this event before, please consider attending. is festive event supports the Bishop Antho- ny Philoptochos Student Aid Endowment Fund, and since our Metropolis provides signi cant funds to the seminarians and students who will serve as the future of our church, it important for our parish to have a strong attendance. Please let me know if you are interested in attending so we can be seat- ed together. Please see our new committees below and also, keep our calendar handy. Agape Meals led by Stella Weil. If you know of any parishioner going through a dicult time and would enjoy a delivered home cooked meal, please see Stella. College Connection led by Gina Balourdas and Michelle Defelippi. We want to make sure our college students, whether here or away, stay connected with St. Spyridon. We will reach out to the students and let them know we are cheering them on with care packages, inspiring notes, and by keeping in touch throughout the year. Please see Gina or Michelle if you would like more information. Operation Classroom led by Gina Balour- das. We are supporting Kimball Elementary in National City. More details to follow. Please see the schedule and take note of a date change of our Membership Brunch . New date is January 25, 2020 and this will give you an opportunity to renew your mem- bership or join our vibrant group of women and men. If you still have not renewed for 2019, there is still time and you can even re- new for next year all in one check. Please see Kelly Samouris or Melanie Anastopulos. We thank all the families and organizations that have been so generous with o ering fel- lowship and co ee hour. If you have not of- fered fellowship in the past year, please look at the calendar posted in the hall. If all fami- lies and ministries participate, your turn will come up only once every 2 years. As always, we welcome new faces to join us on our quest to take care of the needy. We are so close to reaching our goal of 200 members so If you are interested in renewing or join- ing, we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in helping in any way, there’s a spot for you! Please reach out to me anytime. 619-520-3660. In Christ, Marian Dougenis Anthousa Chapter President ΝΕΑ ΤΗΣ ΦΙΛΟΠΤΩΧΟΥ PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS A CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Sunday December 8, 2019 * 12:30 PM Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse 901 Bayfront Court on the Embarcadero From Paci c Hwy turn into Bayfront Ct. and park in InterContinental Hotel. Valet parking $13. Self-parking free for rst 3 hours e Anthousa Chapter of Philoptochos invites you to attend Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Enclosed is $________________ for _______ reservations Make checks payable to “St. Spyridon Philoptochos” and mail by December 2nd with this form to: Stella Pappas, 10139 Paseo Palmas Drive, Lakeside, CA 92040 $55 per person - Limited Seating Paid reservations required by December 2nd INFORMATION: Stella Pappas, 619.850.8073 ANTHOUSA