4 THE SHEPHERD • NOVEMBER 2020 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Fr. Andrew, on the occasion of the feast day of Saint Andrew we wish you many blessed and happy years. Πρ. Ανδρέα, για την εορτή σας στις 30 Νοεμβρίου, σας ευχόμαστε χρόνια πολλά κι ευλογημένα και κάθε ευτυχία στη ζωή σας. GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL ΝΟΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ: ΗΜΕΡΑ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΙΩΝ – THANKSGIVING DAY Το σχολείο μας δε θα διεξάγει μαθήματα 25, 26, 27 και 28 Νοεμβρίου. NO SCHOOL NOVEMBER 25 – 28. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! As we move on into the holiday season and we are well into our rst school semester, we would like to proudly announce that our ONLINE Greek School year 2020–2021 started with 82 students in all our programs. ere are now 3 adult classes and six chil- dren’s classes from Kindergarten through High School. We have completed “one month” of online Greek language learning in great fashion and our teachers and our students are nally starting to feel comfortable with the new on- line learning experience! Our teachers have been working hard to nd ways to enhance their instruction and fully utilize all the dig- ital resources available. A big THANK YOU to Maria Xourafas who has helped us tre- mendously and continues to work out any “bugs” regarding technical issues that arise during our Zoom class meetings. We appreciate the hard work and dedication of our teachers, and volunteers. I would like to thank all the hard-working individuals who have put in extra time and e ort to help with the distance learning platform. Our teachers have done a wonderful job making distance learning easy for the students and manageable for the parents. We at St. Spyr- idon Greek School, are thankful and grateful for all our teachers. We welcome back Vasileios Fountoulakis to our Greek School. We are all excited to have him back with us again. Following are our teachers for the school year 2020 and 2021: Athanasia Ampelas Vasileios Fountoulakis Olga Jafou Athena Kotinopoulos Georges Maria Kotsa is Christoforos Mamas Ioanna Stamoulis Jenny eologidis Nektarios Tradas Maria Xourafas We are thankful and grateful for the following people who played an important part in the success of our Greek School: • Fr. Andrew for your continuous support and prayers • James Gilpin and Parish Council for supporting our school • Greek School Board: Christine Cremidan, Angie Georggin, Timmy Paraskevopoulos, John Georges, Evan Arapostathis, Andreas Capetanakis and Christoforos Savvides , our Parish Council liaison • Maria Xourafas for technology and teacher assistance • Costas Kotinopoulos for creating and designing the Saint Spyridon Greek Lan- guage School website www.stspyridon- greekschool.org • AHEPA Chapter 223 for your continu- ous support and sponsorship • Peter Parashos (may his memory be eternal) and Marianna Polles for their heartfelt donations and support. Και τώρα, μια προσευχή για την «Ημέρα των Ευχαριστιών»: HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES!! Athena Kotinopoulos Georges, M.Ed. Greek Language School Director San Diego Greek Language School athenakotinopoulos@gmail.com 619-992-4452 SUNDAY SCHOOL We have had an amazing start to our Sunday School year with over 60 children and youth registered! We would like to take a moment to thank all of the parents who have been encouraging and helping their children log- on each Sunday. Our faithful and diligent teachers prepare lessons that hopefully encourage your children each week. Sunday School Families – save the date for December 6th . Divine Services will be reserved for Sunday School Families on December 6th to allow for our families to attend together. We would love to see all of the Sunday School youth and families attend. Saint Spyridon COVID rules and regulations will apply. If you have questions, please email Julie Dennis at sundayschool.stspyridon@ gmail.com. Details will be emailed to Sunday School Families as the date approaches. If you are not receiving Sunday School emails, but would like to be on our email list, please email Julie at sundayschool. stspyridon@gmail.com. Hello, front desk? I’d like a wake up call. OK, “I felt sorry for myself for having no shoes ‘til I saw someone with no feet.” Be thankful for the good things in your life instead of focus- ing on what you don’t have. Have faith & God will provide.