
2 THE SHEPHERD • NOVEMBER 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO A lot of things will be happening in the Community in November and I hope all of you will be able to join us. Following Divine Liturgy on November 12th , Philoptochos will be hosting their annual Thanksgiving Luncheon . We will be holding Parish Council Elections on November 19th , so please contact the church office if you are interested in running for the Parish Council. We will also be holding our Fall General Assem- bly on November 19th . The Agenda for the Fall General Assembly will include: • Report on the 2023 Finances of the Parish YTD; • Presentation of the preliminary Financial Budget for 2024; • Presentation of the 2023 Festival Report; • Presentation from the Master Planning Committee on the progress of the Alley Vacation; • Selection of Two Persons to Attend the Metropolis Clergy Laity in the Spring of 2024 at St. Nicholas Ranch; • Selection of Three Persons to serve on the Board of Auditors; • Ministry Reports from several of our ministries including Youth and Dance and Choral; and • Presentation for approval of a budget for repairs, maintenance and improvements to the Church, Hall and Education Build- ing, in excess of $50,000. As some of you know, San Diego will be host- ing the 47th Biennial National Clergy-Laity Congress (June 30, 2024 to July 5, 2024). The theme is “In Christ, We Are One” and the event will be held at the Sher- aton San Diego Hotel and Marina. The Epar- chial Synod Hierarchical Divine Liturgy is going to be held at St. Spyr- idon Church on Sunday, June 30, 2024. We are planning and preparing to get many of the long-deferred repairs and beautification items taken care of in the coming months. As we move forward, and as the scripture reminds us, let us avoid stupid controversies and focus on the real work He has called us to do. This past Sunday we were reminded by Deacon Michael about the need for us to continue to spread the word of God to all. Like the Sower in the Parable, we will en- counter all types of soil. Some will be like rock, some will grow thorns, and some will fall away. We can’t control the type of soils we encounter, but we can continue to cultivate our soil, nurturing the love and compassion that He planted in our hearts. Many Blessings, Jim Gilpin, Parish Council President ...as the scripture re- minds us, let us avoid stupid controversies and focus on the real work He has called us to do. FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT We have resumed our meetings every oth- er week, only on Zoom, where participants come ready to discuss ideas or questions re- lated to the daily Scripture readings or to the weekly Sunday homilies. One of our recent discussions was related to Ephesians 1:7-17 where St. Paul talks about “having made known to us the mystery of His will.” The footnote in our Orthodox Study Bible (p.1599) helps us to understand that this passage is not only about God’s plan of forgiveness, redemption, and salvation for us, but also about the mystery of how to live a new and dynamic life in Christ. So, as al- ways, our focus was on what does this look like in our daily lives? How do we weave the spiritual and sacramental dimensions with our daily plans and routines? One part of our discussion centered on how we distinguish between God’s plan for us and our own wish- es, needs, desires, and how we can often get in the way of understanding His will. We were reminded that we are created in His image “So God made man; in the image of God He made him;” (Genesis 1:27) and as the footnote in the OSB clarifies “that every- thing God made is good, because God is good. So then, human nature is good in itself,” (p.5) and it is only the exercise of our free will and our misguided choices that is fallen. This led to a further discussion of Ephesians 4:25- 32 where St. Paul offers some specific ways we can reflect this image of goodness in our daily actions and relationships - “for we are members of one another, do not give place to the devil, work what is good,..put away all bitterness, wrath, anger, and evil speaking. Be kind, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” (OSB p.1606) This helped us to understand a little better God’s will for us – that every day of our lives we work on our love and worship of Him and that we care for and serve one another. For more information and the most recent updates on our group, you can contact (call or text) Susan Miserlis at 619-243-9864 or email susanmiserlis@gmail.com With Love in Christ, +The Women of the Word Bible Study Group WOMEN WORD OF THE During this time of Thanksgiving, we first give thanks to the Lord, “for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!” Psalm 107:1. We also give thanks for our families, our church, our priest, our deacon, and our friends. Here at the Bookstore, we include thanks to our wonderful Orthodox publish- ers who provide us with books, to help us grow in our faith. One of favorite publishers is Newrome Press. They recently published a new book: The Heavenly Gift: The Art of Liturgical Bread-Making. It brings to light the joy and unique privilege of preparing and offering liturgical bread (prosphoro) for the celebration of the Immaculate Mysteries through a concise study of its history, mean- ing, purpose, and preparation. It is much more than a recipe guide for prosphoro and artoclasia; for the reader will also find stories about saints and everyday people who have been touched by God in their preparation of the eucharistic offering. The book also includes helpful photos of the entire prepa- ration process, as well as helpful tips. For example, did you know there is an ancient method of using a natural starter for the pro- sphoro? Or that beeswax pellets are used for preparing your prosphoro pan? Come take a look at this beautiful book that is produced with love, care, and prayers. Cost for this book is $27.00 plus tax. Thanksgiving blessings to you all! Stephanie Mourafetis, Mary Mastorakos, Pat Tsopanoglou, Collette Pepelis, and Fran- cesca Captain BOOKSTORE