
1 THE SHEPHERD • NOVEMBER 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO FROM THE DESK OF FATHER ANDREW www.theshepherdnews.com The Shepherd Newsletter My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The month of November is the month that most parishes in the Greek Archdiocese begin their stewardship campaigns for the new year 2024. When considering your 2024 pledge commitment to your parish, the Stewardship Committee respectfully asks you to pause and to say a prayer as you reflect upon your 2024 offering to your beloved Church. Will this year’s stewardship pledge be a serious pledge commitment to be fulfilled over the course of the entire 2024 calendar year? Or, one that requires a few fleeting moments as if it really does not matter? The goal of our par- ish’s stewardship efforts is to totally fund our operating budget with stewardship dollars. Our stewardship giving, like attending the Divine Liturgy, is not an option . Stewardship is not for someone else. Stewardship is for each and every Orthodox Christian; it our sacred obligation freely given to Christ and His Church here on earth. Our responsibili- ty toward stewardship should not be offered grudgingly or with conditions but should be given freely and joyfully (II Cor. 9:6-7). From both the Old and New Testaments and from the life of the Church throughout the ages (Holy Tradition) we are reminded that our stewardship offering should be from our first fruits and not from our leftovers . As we free- ly offer our fruit fruits with joy, we come to realize that we are truly fulfilling part of our vocation as Orthodox Christians and thus opening a path for God’s blessing to appear in our lives. The Shepherd The official newsletter publication for the parish of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church of San Diego I S S U E 3 3 0 • NO V E MB E R 2 0 2 3 continues 3 IN THIS ISSUE FR. ANDREW ............................................. p. 1 PRESIDENT OF THE PARISH COUNCIL, WOMEN OF THE WORD, BOOKSTORE............................................... p. 2 DIVINE SERVICES, HOLY SACRAMENTS, MEMORIALS, NEWS FROM THE LOFT, DEATHS, STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE .p. 3 YOUTH MINISTRIES ................................. p. 4 GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL ................ p. 7 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS .......................... p. 9 PARISH CALENDAR ................................. p. 10 PARISH COUNCIL NOMINATION ......... p. 11 CONTACT INFORMATION....................... p. 12 To make reser vations for the Epiphany Celebration and Luncheon, please return this por tion with your payment, payable to Saint Spyridon G.O.C., no later than January 2, 2024. Saint Spyridon G.O.C. • 3655 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92103 Name: _________________________________________________ There will be _____ adults and ______ children under 12 attending Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ _____________________ SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2024 SHERATON SAN DIEGO HOTEL & MARINA 1380 HARBOR ISLAND DR., SAN DIEGO 92101 CROSS DIVE - Divers needed! To participate, please contact Bill Navrides at 619-992-6775 or bill.navrides@sharp.com. Divers must be GOYA age and stay for the luncheon. Diver confirmations must be made by December 14, 2023. LUNCHEON - Stay for the luncheon and help us congratulate Elaine Arapostathis, this year’s recipient of the Leon Balaban Award. Seating is limited, so call the Church office to make your reservations soon. ADULTS: $65 - CHILDREN UNDER 12: $35 For more information call the Church office at 619-297-4165 or email office@stspyridon.org Ep i phany Day Θ Ε Ο Φ Ά Ν Ε Ι Α PAID RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE CHURCH OFFICE BY JANUARY 2, 2024