
6 THE SHEPHERD • NOVEMBER 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO St. Spyridon Join us for Activities Songs Stories all about God! Greek O rthodox C hurch LITTLEA NGELS Weekly Group! Thursdays 9:45am - 11:00am For Babies and Toddlers ages 40 days - 4 years old and their Parents or Caregiver! 3655 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA E a c h W e e k Meet in the Lower Education Building at St. Spyridon! Join our contact list: https://forms.gle/phD 8HBYhZhm8VKzCA www.stspyridon.org Questions: 619-94 0-5167 youthministrie s@stspyridon.org DANCE & CHORAL The St. Spyridon Greek Dance and Choral school has been busy practicing and performing. We performed both days at the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church festival in Temecu- la to a very enthusiastic (albeit hot, it was 90 degrees!) crowd. Our next performance will be at the annual AHEPA “OXI” Dinner Dance to support the Greek School on October 26th. We are looking forward to revisiting our friends at the Glen at Scripps Ranch Senior Living Community at Scripps Ranch on November 22nd. Last year nearly 100 residents joined us for a performance and dance lesson. You should have seen how quickly they took to the floor! We can’t wait to see them and dance in their beautiful facilities again. We are excited to report that our leadership team has grown this year, too. Our team of dance directors and assistants in- clude Sia Brown, Dimitri Litsas, Evagelia Barrington, Mar- garita Veziris, Dina Welker, Tasia Padilla, Katherine Anas- topulos, and Perry Gadinas. We are so blessed to have them support our program and our school. We are equally blessed to have our beloved choir master Kathy Meck return to direct our award-winning youth choir team as they prepare for FDF. Speaking of which, the countdown to FDF 2025 has officially begun with the registration opening on October 15th. We are hoping to send at least two if not three groups to FDF this year. If you have children aged 7-10 or are a young adult 18+ we are looking to add to these groups. Come and join us! Likewise, we started a new group for 4–6-year-olds which is an amazing way to get your kids acquainted with Greek music and dance. It meets on Sundays from 12:30 to 1:00. In a few weeks we will start a Beginner Adult Dance class for those who have always wanted to learn but need the ba- sics. Look to the weekly bulletin for more information. In the meantime if you have questions reach out to stspyridon- dance@gmail.com or refer to the links below. Registration: https://forms.gle/mqH8xKeVTobXG9Ca8 Tuition: tuition-dance-and-choral-school.square.site