
3 THE SHEPHERD • DECEMBER 2019 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1: 14th Sunday of Saint Luke Orthros : 8:30 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Ephesians 2:14-22 ✟ Gospel : Luke 18:35-43 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6: Saint Nicholas Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Hebrews 13:17-21 ✟ Gospel : Luke 6:17-23 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8: 10th Sunday of Saint Luke Orthros : 8:30 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Ephesians 4:1-7 ✟ Gospel : Luke 13:10-17 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11: Vespers 7:00 PM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12: Saint Spyridon Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Ephesians 5:8-19 ✟ Gospel : John 10:9-16 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15: 11th Sunday of Saint Luke Orthros : 8:30 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Ephesians 2:4-10 ✟ Gospel : Luke 18:18-27 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22: Sunday Before Nativity Orthros : 8:30 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Hebrews 11:9-10, 32-40 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 1:1-25 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24: Nativity Service 6:30 PM SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29: Sunday A er Nativity Orthros : 8:30 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Galatians 1:11-19 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 2:13-23 one. The team worked a to renovate the storage area ation started with demolition he supply roomwalls.Post that, as lined-up, creating a bigger, graded andmore economical helving and s/s tables.We still atwe plan to complete in the k to the following (yes,we took ks: Spero Tzathas,Mike Platis, d AnthonyKyriakidis. Finally,a effort tokeepourstorage room rying tonot leavepersonalstuff η ανακαίνηση της αποθήκης υ δούλεψε σκληρά ελπίζει να την τάξη, λειτουργικότητα, και , που όντως εξυπηρετεί όλους DIVINE SERVICES WEDDINGS NOV 24: George & Kayte Koutros Koumbaros: Harry Koutros 40-DAY BLESSINGS DEC 15: Maria Ele heria Daughter of Robert & Angie Gozum BIRTHS Congratulations to Stavros & Chris- tine Karagianides on the birth of their daughter Eve Tasa who was born on October 23, 2019, 9 pounds, 2 ounces, 22 inches long. Proud are her grandparents Tasos & Julie Kara- gianides and Michael & Denise Mar- tel, along with big sister Anna. Congratulations to Robert & Angie Gozum on the birth of their daugh- ter Maria Ele heria who was born on November 4, 2019, 7 pounds, 7 ounces, 19 ½ inches long. e proud grandparents are Emmanuel & Rita Petinos and John & Maria Gozum. BAPTISMS NOV 9: Mikkel Gebreab Godfather: Aman Haile NOV 10: Clarence Costas Godmother: Kristen Anton NOV 17: Panayiotis Limperis 9 years DEC 1: Sonja Eleni Umberson 7 years DEC 8: Peter Diamond 9 years Mary Hanson 10 years Efrosini Mangel 15 years DEC 15: George Platis – 40 days Michael Joseph 20 years Angie Mouzas Nicholas Mouzas DEC 22: George Dougenis 1 year Elias Katsoulas 2 years MEMORIALS DEATHS NOV 8: George Platis 29 years old NOV 15: James Leffas 88 years old Sponsored Announcement C A T E R I N G F u l l S e r v i c e C a t e r i n g f o r o v e r 3 0 Y e a r s ! S p e c i a l i z i n g i n : B a p t i s m s W e d d i n g s P a r t i e s M e m o r i a l s B o o k u s a t t h e C y p r e s s R o o m o r a n y o t h e r v e n u e ! www. c a l i f o r n i a c u i s i n e c a t e r i n g . c om ( 6 1 9 ) 5 4 3 - 0 7 9 0 Sponsored Announcement Mike, Maria and the entire Platis family, words can’t express what is in our hearts for your loss. May your son George’s memory be eternal. AHEPA To Our beloved St. Spyridon Family, We are truly overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, concern and compassion showed to us by you, our St. Spyridon family. Your labors of love were so astounding and so deeply moving and appreciated. Our beloved Georgie was lifted with all your heartfelt prayers to be with our Lord. A mere “thank you” does not suffice. We will spend what time we have left on earth honoring George and all of you incredible people through good works and deeds. Georgie helped a lot of people. This is his legacy. At his core this is who he was. May Georgieʼs Memory be Eternal. With our love and respect, Michael, Maria and Tawny Platis CELL PHONE REMINDER: Please silence your cell phone while in Church.