
5 THE SHEPHERD • DECEMBER 2019 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO nuesonp.6>>> ce thatourparish’sown StefanKleinhenz participated in theDistrict tomOratoricalFestivalandbecamea nalistoutof14SeniorDivision owadvance to theMetropolis levelOratoricalFestival to takeplaceat unlap,CAon May9th,2015 . Ithasbeena tradition inourchurch to ul competition inwhich7th through12thgrade students are invited arious topics involving their faithand theOrthodoxChurch.Wewant and several of our parishionerswho o ered their time to “critique” to Stefan’s e ort: AnthonyKyriakidis,MichaelKallas,KayHarkins, Cremidan,PeterPreovolos and lastbutde nitelynot least,ourown GeorgePlatis ! atulatinsSefan! AT THE CORONADO FERRY LANDING 619.435.1225 WWW.SPIROSCAFE.COM Best Greek food in the region Draft beer varieties Imported & domestic wine Spacious indoor/outdoor seating Panoramic views of S.D. Bay Catering Available BEST GREEK FOOD SINCE 2002 Life is full of journeys; some we plan and some we don’t. Our plan for Mrs. Navrides easy retirement from UCSD a er 34 years (which was to take place in December) took a side- trip on Monday, October 21st when Mrs. Navrides was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Since October 21st she has been in Sharp Memorial Hospital ghting cancer with a positive attitude and MANY thoughts and prayers from our beloved St. Spyridon commu- nity and our family and friends. e kindness our St. Spyridon commu- nity has shown our family has been overwhelming. In one day our whole world changed and our GOYA and Church families sprang into action and have been there to help every step of the way. ank you is two simple words but from our family to everyone that has helped us and will continue to help us on this journey we love you and are so grateful to have you in our lives. We hope everyone enjoyed our No- vember activity. We are very grateful to Christos Pappademos, who did an amazing job leading our GOY- Ans thru a discussion/activity on the theme “Love One Another”. From the smiles on the kids faces when they were leaving we knew this was a wonderful evening and our GOYAns learned some valuable information that with help them on their life’s journey. We want to thank Father Andrew, Angel and Jim Gilpin and Mike and Erika Couris who willingly jumped in to help make this evening a success. e Christmas season is upon us and it’s time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Bring your families and join us for our annual GOYA Christmas Party on Satur- day, December 14th , 5pm to 8:30pm at the home of William and Dimi- tri Gilpin (6677 Maycrest Ln., San Diego, 92121). We will assemble Christmas stockings for the Philop- tochos Christmas party for San Di- ego children su ering from cancer who attended Camp Agape. We are asking each GOYAn to bring two card games (Uno, Phase 10, a deck of cards, etc) to put in the stock- ings. e Christmas party is potluck so look for the email from George Dougenis with information about signing up for something to bring. Don’t forget, we’ll be in the middle of the Advent Fast so please no meat or dairy. Finally, we will hold our very own gi exchange so please bring a wrapped gi ($15 limit – no gi cards please). Please remember the Epiphany weekend is RIGHT around the cor- ner in SIX short weeks (January 11th and 12th). GOYA will have our monthly activity on Saturday, Jan- uary 11th (Dinner, game night and handprints on the wall) at Church in the GOYA room. For those younger GOYAns that have NOT placed their handprints on the walls in the GOYA room this is becoming a tradition so please join us on Saturday, January 11th at 5 pm. Parents we do need a coordinator for this event so please let Bill know if you can take care of bringing dinner to the GOYA room on January 11th. e next day on Sunday, January 12th we will have the 42nd annual Epiphany Cross Dive/Luncheon Celebration at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina immediately following the Divine Liturgy at St. Spyridon. If you are in- terested in diving, please contact Mr. Navrides by December 17th. Just as a reminder, GOYA age divers MUST attend Divine Liturgy as a group on Sunday, January 12th and stay for the luncheon. We will go bowling as a group in February on the 22nd. Keep an eye out for emails with details on this event. GOYA families PLEASE NOTE: St. Nicholas Ranch Summer camp week # 1 with the SoCal bus will be Sun- day, July 12th – Saturday, July 18th, 2020 – and registration will open on January 1st. Remember there is also Winter Camp January 2nd – January 5th 2020 at St. Nicholas Ranch. More information and registration is on this link http://gosfyouth.org/goya#/ goya-winter-camp Celebrating His birth, Bill and Stephanie Navrides, St. Spyridon GOYA Directors G . O . Y . A . NEWS GOYAStSpyridon@gmail.com St. Spyridon GOYA San Diego st.spyridon_goya