5 THE SHEPHERD • DECEMBER 2021 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Our November 13th game night and handprints in the wall was a huge success. For those that couldn’t at- tend you were missed! ank you to Zoe Maude, George Dougenis, Maggie & Ellia Samouris and Ana Constantine for organizing all the games. e e ort you all put in be- forehand made the night a huge success. From the smile on ALL the GOYAns faces a good time was had by all. ank you to Hitomi Shue for picking up our wonderful Luna Grill dinner and thank you to Nec- tarios Gockel for once again lending a hand. For those younger GOYAns who were not able to attend you will have another opportunity early in the New Year to place your hand- prints in the wall. e Christmas season is upon us and it’s time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Bring your families and join us for our annu- al GOYA Christmas Party on Sat- urday, December 18th , beginning at 6pm at the home of George and Jack Dougenis (3323 Nutmeg St, San Diego, 92104). We will assemble Christmas stockings for the Philop- tochos Kids ‘n’ Cancer ministry. We are asking each GOYAn to bring two card games (Uno, Phase 10, a deck of cards, etc) to put in the stockings and some candy canes and choco- lates. With the annual Philoptochos Christmas party just two days later on December 20th we want to make sure all the Kids ‘n’ Cancer attendees have a wonderful stocking courtesy of our Saint Spyridon community. If your family is not able to attend, please consider bringing cards to Mr. Navrides beforehand. e Dou- genis family will take care of the main course on December 18th and GOYA families will be asked to bring desserts and beverages. Don’t forget, we’ll be in the middle of the Ad- vent Fast so please no meat or dairy. Please respond to navridesfamily@ gmail.com by December 12th if your family will be attending and what you will be bringing so the Dougenis family can have an accurate count for dinner. Finally, we will hold our very own gi exchange so please bring a wrapped gi ($15 limit – no gi cards please). Please remember the 43rd Annual Epiphany Cross Dive and Luncheon celebration is RIGHT around the corner in SIX short weeks ( Sunday, January 9, 2022 ) once again at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina. GOYAns if you are interested in div- G . O . Y . A . NEWS 909 Prospect Avenue 858.352.6588 spiroscuisine.com Now open in the heart of La Jolla! Extensive Greek & mediterranean menu Delicious Greek desserts Fine wines, local & imported draft beer Patio for outdoor seating A fulfilling dining experience Open for lunch & dinner, 11AM to 9PM Catering for all events, big & small Online order & delivery available ing, please contact Mr. Navrides by December 15th. Just as a reminder, GOYA age divers MUST attend Divine Liturgy as a group on Sunday, January 9th (at St. Spyridon) and stay for the luncheon at the Sheraton. GOYA will have our next monthly activity on Saturday, Jan- uary 15th . We will be roller skating in Linda Vista. Please save the date. We do need a parent coordinator to make the reservations and take care of the rest of the logistics for Janu- ary 15th. If you can help, please contact me. Celebrating His birth, Bill Navrides, GOYA Director St. Spyridon GOYA San Diego