
6 THE SHEPHERD • DECEMBER 2021 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Order your favorite Greek pastries for the holidays while supporting the many ministries of Philoptochos. Decorative packages filled with delicious handmade baked goods, perfect for gift-giving or your own enjoyment. Place your prepaid orders online at greekbake.org or with the form below. ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 10, 2021 Pick up your pastries: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 – 12 TO 3 PM Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church, 3655 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92103 No shipping available. Name:_________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________ Email:___________________________________ ITEM COST QUANTITY SUBTOTAL Koulourakia (bag of 12) $10 ____________ $__________ Baklava ( box of 6) $18 ____________ $__________ Kourambiethes (box of 9) $18 ____________ $__________ Melomakarona (box of 9) $18 ____________ $__________ Variety box (4 baklava, $25 ____________ $__________ 4 kourambiethes, 4 melomakarona) Full tray of baklava $125 ____________ $__________ (12”x17”, approximately 48 pieces) ORDER TOTAL = $__________ Mail this form with your check (payable to St. Spyridon Philoptochos ) to St. Spyridon Philoptochos, 3655 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92103 QUESTIONS? email greekbake@anthousa.org WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! ATaste of Greek Christmas