3 THE SHEPHERD • DECEMBER 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3: 14th Sunday of Luke Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Ephesians 5:8-19 ✟ Gospel : Luke 18:35-43 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10: 10th Sunday of Luke Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Ephesians 6:10-17 9:6-11 ✟ Gospel : Luke 13:10-17 MONDAY, DECEMBER 11: Vespers for Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trymithous 6:30 PM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12: Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trymithous Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Ephesians 5:8-19 ✟ Gospel : John 10:9-16 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17: 11th Sunday of Luke Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Colossians 3:4-11 ✟ Gospel : Luke 14:16-24 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24: Sunday before Nativity Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Hebrews 11:9-10; 32-40 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 1:1-25 MONDAY, DECEMBER 25: The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Galatians 4:4-7 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 2:1-12 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31: Sunday after Nativity Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : II Timothy 4:5-8 ✟ Gospel : Mark 1:1-8 DIVINE SERVICES WEDDINGS NOV 4: Athena Sisco & Alexander Grenell Sponsor: Nicholas Zamonis NOV 10: Arianna Fountis & Marcelo Lozoya Sponsors: Elena Fountis Georgia Vasilakos DEATHS OCT 13: James Mastorakos 92 years old OCT 25: Lyle (Elias) Hochberger 86 years old MEMORIALS NOV 19: Panayiotis Limperis 13 years Sesen Medhanie 34 years Dashai Terry 34 years Samuel Baire 6 months NOV 26: James Mastorakos 40 days Vasilios (Bill) Xykis 3 years Kalliope Xykis 5 years David Welker 1 year DEC 3: Lyle (Elias) Hochberger 40 days DEC 10: Mihalis Reizian 1 year Gregory Star 2 years Greetings Friends of the Choir! Did you have the opportunity to hear the youth choir sing on Sunday, November 12th? They were magnif- icent. Thank you to all the kids and parents for all their support. We are preparing for the Folk Dance and Choral Festival in February. It’s been a few years since we competed, and we are looking forward to it. Just a couple more days to order your See’s candy. Don’t miss out on your chocolate – it makes a perfect gift! Tis the season to hear those wonder- ful Christmas Carols. The choir will begin singing carols on December 3rd. The holidays are now upon us and we have so much to be thankful for. God bless us all! We wish you a beau- tiful Christmas and a very Happy and Healthy New Year! Christ is born! Glorify Him! Singing His Praises, Katherine Loukatos Meck Choir Master NEWS LOFT FROM THE ACOLYTES On November 11, 2023, we had a large group of boys attend our annual Altar Boy Retreat. It included a “teaching” session (where we did the celebration of the Divine Liturgy), a “practice” session (rehearsing the movement of the Divine Liturgy), a “service” session (cleaning the interior of the Temple), a “prayer” session, a “fellowship” session (where the boys and Father Andrew enjoyed eating lunch together), and a “sports activity” session (with all the boys playing kickball with Father Andrew in our Church parking lot). May God bless these boys for their commitment to our Acolytes Ministry at our beloved St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church. Many blessings, Angel Gilpin, Altar Boy Coordinator Once again, our parishioners have been the target of a fraud using Fr. Andrew’s name and title to solicit gift cards via text messaging. Although the text is not orig- inated from Fr. Andrew’s phone number, most recipeints would not notice this and might feel complelled to respond and as- sist with the request. Please know that Fr. Andrew would never ask for such thing, es- pecially via a text message. Please DO NOT RESPOND to such fake requests and make them known immediately to Fr. Andrew so a proper alert can be issued as soon as possible. A sample of the text message is shown below.